Konjic’te, 24-26 Ekim tarihleri arasında yapılan Balkan Ülkeleri Dağcılık Federasyonlar Birliği (BMU) toplantısına Dağcılık Federasyonu Başkanı Alaattin Karaca ve Türkiye Dağcılık Federasyonu Dış İlişkiler Kurulu üyesi Prof Dr. Ahmet Bese katıldı. Bu toplantı aynı zamanda “Bosna Hersek turizm gelişiminde B&H dağların etkisi ve Güney-doğu Avrupa deneyimleri” adlı 3. Uluslararası Sempozyumun bir parçası olarak gerçekleştirildi. Federasyon Başkanı Alaattin Karaca “Turizmin gelişimi açısından Ağrı Dağı’nın etkisi ve Türkiye’deki Dağların cazibesi” başlıklı aşağıda özeti verilen bir bildiri sundu ve istişarelerde bulundu.
Mountains and Tourism:
As known, people search for alternative peaceful environment to spend their holidays, today, in order to get away from crowded and polluted urban places, or the same noisy atmosphere of touristic seaside resorts. One of the most available alternatives is the mountainous centers and skiing resorts.
Mountain Tourism in Turkey:
There are lots of peaks in our country that serve mountain tourism. The most attractive and the well known one is, of course, Ağrı Mountain (5137 m.). Several other mountain examples are Small Ağrı (4049 m.), Kaçkar Mountains (3932 m.), Erciyes (3916 m.), Hasan Dağı (3268 m.), and in Middle Anatolia, Aladağlar.
National Policy and Target in Mountain Tourism:
Our national policy and target related to mountain tourism is first to develop and introduce the remote mountainous regions to tourism to make use of new totally natural environment. Our other purposes are to extend mountain tourism season from summer to all seasons. By widening the season, we expect to supply possibility of employment for long period of time for those in mountain tourism sector, and also contribute training for those newly employed in the sector. We also attempt to serve people quality of tourism and attract more people by taking their necessities into consideration.
Mountain tourism attracts more people every day. It serves people peaceful environment in harmony with nature. Hundred million people out of four hundred million preferred mountain and winter tourism declared in 1990 statistics. 50 million people, however, preferred to go Europe and majority of others to such countries as Canada, USA, and Japan. Our country is expecting to have more people for mountain tourism as it is available both with rich natural flora and resources, and with winter tourism possibilities. We plan to attract more people by introducing such resources. In order to do this we believe that we need to have more activities with our partner organizations, spend mutual efforts and convince people to serve maximum advantages.

Alaattin KARACA